APCA Membership has its benefits!
Serving as a national association of merit-shop pipeline and station contractors, APCA was founded in 1971 as a regional alliance to promote the mutual interests and address industry concerns of its contractors and associates. Today, APCA continues its quest to support its members in their efforts to secure a fair operating environment in the pipeline industry throughout North America.
APCA provides industry-specific education, advocacy on issues that impact your bottom line, and unbeatable networking opportunities with people who can open doors in pipeline construction. The association is proud of its accomplishments and welcomes new members who share our common goals.
Listed below are some of the membership benefits:
1. Meetings. APCA's Annual Convention and Mid-Year Meeting provide excellent networking opportunities and education specific to pipeline construction.
• Pipeline market updates from industry economists.
• HR and labor law updates from a nationally recognized labor law firm.
• Government & Industry Affairs panel discussion on issues that impact member businesses.
• General session speakers on issues such as leadership, contract law, damage prevention, business planning, and more.
• Annual manufacturer and supplier breakfast exhibit, allowing contractors to connect with the industry's top manufacturers and suppliers all in one place.
• Attend APCA Conventions, Mid-Year Meetings, and DC Fly-ins where everybody hangs out with everybody and where career-long relationships are forged.
• Socialize with colleagues from across North America, meet their families, play golf, and enjoy relaxed, fun times.
2. Information. In addition to its annual meetings, APCA maintains communication and provides valuable information throughout the year.
• APCA's quarterly Pipeline Contractors Journal provides columns on labor law/HR, contract law, and government affairs, feature articles on industry issues and business strategy from recognized experts, current energy industry and pipeline construction news, and member news highlighting the accomplishments of APCA members.
• Annual Membership Directory, online and print editions, with valuable contact information.
• Current association, industry, and member information on the APCA website, www.americanpipeline.org.
• Information sharing and discussion on social media: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
• Weekly Beltway Buzz newsletter provided by one of the nation's top law firms.
3. Advocacy. APCA was founded to protect the interests of merit-shop pipeline construction businesses, and that important work continues today.
• APCA meets regularly and works closely with legislators, federal agencies, and merit-shop allies in Washington, DC, whose work impacts APCA members’ businesses.
• APCA regularly issues comments, writes letters, testifies, and lobbies on issues that impact member businesses.
• Member participation in Washington legislative and federal agency visits led by the association's experienced team on Capitol Hill.
• Ability to lobby of behalf of pipeline construction and merit-shop businesses through Muster, APCA's grassroots advocacy program that makes it simple to dialog with legislators and federal agencies.
• Strong alliances with like-minded groups, such as the INGAA Foundation, Coalition for a Democratic Workforce, Common Ground Alliance, and Natural Allies for a Clean Energy Future.
• Participant and founding member in the Infrastructure Protection Coalition, authors of the 811 Emergency study that is the catalyst for changing state dig laws and increasing excavator stakeholder participation in underground safety.
4. Safety. Safety is a top priority for APCA and its members.
• APCA's Safety Committee meets quarterly for member safety personnel to discuss jobsite issues with industry colleagues, receive updates from an OSHA compliance officer who has been working with APCA for 17 years, and hear from experts on topics such as training methods, trench protection, locating, pigging safety, rigging & lifting, and more.
• APCA is an OSHA Alliance Program Ambassador, engaging in regular communication, information sharing, and technical discussions with OSHA.
Consider joining today!