APCA was recently recognized in the September issue of OSHA'a Alliance Quarterly Review. The article (posted below) covered APCA and it's Best Practices document for Locating Underground Pipeline/Utilities.

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From Page 9 of the Publication:

APCA Shares Best Practices for Locating Underground Pipelines/Utilities  By Todd Briggs Through the Alliance Program, in July 2012 the OSHA and American Pipeline Contractors Association (APCA) Alliance developed the Locating Underground Lines Fact Sheet to assist workers and employers in locating and identifying underground pipelines and utilities. The fact sheet provides industry best practices in accurately locating and identifying pipelines/utilities before any excavation on the jobsite begins.

It includes a list of sources, such as construction maps, drawings, and alignment sheets to help locate underground equipment. It also provides information on the two methods of placing active signals on a pipeline–direct connection vs. induction–in an effort to safely locate underground utilities. According to Marilyn Cole of APCA, “Through the use of the best practices, all pipeline and other contractors can find information to accurately locate and identify pipelines and utilities.

Locating and identifying pipelines and utilities before any excavation begins is critical to a safe work site.” The OSHA and APCA Alliance, signed January 25, 2007, is working to provide the association's members and others in the pipeline construction industry, including small businesses and non-English and limited English speaking employees, with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees' health and safety.

The Alliance particularly addresses the reduction and prevention of exposure to equipment operation (e.g. bulldozer, excavator and sideboom), trenching and excavation and hydrostatic testing hazards. APCA was established in 1971 and represents pipeline contractors along with manufacturers and suppliers of pipeline-related products and services. Todd Briggs is a Program Analyst in the Office of Outreach Services and Alliances.