News from APCA



2018 National Safety Stand-Down May 7-11

osha logoAfter adding more than 30,000 jobs in January alone, the construction industry shows no signs of slowing down. With more workers comes more responsibility for safety. Falls from heights are apca041018still the leading cause of death in the private construction industry and lack of proper fall protection is the most frequently cited violation by OSHA. That is why each year; the construction industry dedicates a week of safety events to stopping fatal falls. Jobsites across the country and internationally pause work so that employers and workers can talk about fall prevention and commit to on-the-job safety.

The combined effort from OSHA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and CPWR–The Center for Construction Research and Training is known as the National Safety Stand-Down. Last year marked the fourth annual Stand-Down with nearly 150 free public events reaching more than 1 million workers. By continuing to reach workers and employers, OSHA aims to raise awareness and decrease the number of fall-related injuries and fatalities and injuries. Participation is not limited to the construction industry, and no business is too small to participate. In previous years, many non-construction employers held Stand-Downs. Each year OSHA partners with employers, trade associations and institutes, unions, worker interest organizations, safety managers, construction material suppliers, and other government agencies to encourage participation throughout many industries. As the economy continues to grow and the full construction seas on begins, we hope the Stand-Down will remind employers and workers that fall prevention is an important part of every workplace safety plan. Employers and workers are encouraged to pause in their workday to talk about fall prevention and dedicate themselves yet again to the safety of this nation’s most valuable resource: workers. For more information on the Stand-Down, visit